
Do you recognise that sublimely cute kiddo hiding behind the bright orange stars?

That’s my kid! In just over a month, he’s going to be 1. I cannot believe it. So much has happened since I last blogged that it’d be futile to try to catch y’all up. Bullets should suffice in getting you up to speed on the key points.

  • Crawling happened about 6.5 months. Cruising, minutes thereafter. Standing unsupported happened at 10 months, and now, at 10 months and 3 weeks, we are moments from walking. In the last two weeks he’s spent a lot of time stringing 2 and 3 steps together. We’ll be sprinting after him within the week, I’m sure.
  • Parenting an almost toddler is really hard and really exhausting. I think we’ve got a massive tantrum thrower on our hands but am desperately hoping that the temper and screaming will stop when the walking starts.
  • He’s still not much of a sleeper. I’m pretty grateful for the nights where he sleeps in 2 hour chunks. The nights with 3 hour segments of sleep are luxurious. There are many nights with 45min-1hourly wakings still.
  • He says Mummy (Ducks), Mama (Me), dog, and cat. He also says a lot of DaDa – never with any real intent but often in the company of happily childless gay boys who freak right out!
  • My love for this kid grows every day. There aren’t enough cliches in the world to express how soul full of love I am.
  • My maternity leave ended. I resigned. I am not at peace with this decision. I may talk more about this at another time.
  • My close Mama friends are all going back to work so I’m making a big effort to befriend more stay-at-home mums.
  • To that end, with a friend, I’ve started a local natural parenting playgroup. I’ve also gotten serious about attending lots of Australian Breastfeeding Association meetings and am getting involved in the Maternity Coalition
  • I spent a lot of time thinking about studying midwifery next year. In the end, I decided to train as a doula in 2010 and hold off on midwifery until we are done making babies. I’m very excited about the doula training.
  • TTC #2 is on the cards. Not just yet, but soon!

Of course there’s more but I’ll leave it there with the promise of daily blogging on the home stretch of NaBloPoMo.

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One response to “Boo

  1. CUTE! Nice to see an update. 🙂 With all my cousins and such, that stage where they want to walk but can’t yet has always been hardest for me to handle when babysitting. I really really don’t like it. haha. I like 6 mos, and then after walking.

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