Monthly Archives: May 2008

Welcome Back Appetite!

I think I may actually be hungry. I have a crappy cold which usually stimulates my appetite but I think it’s more than that. I have intense and specific cravings. Right now, I must have a chicken schnitzel panini from a cute cafe in one of Melbournes many laneways. Were I not immobilised by this cold, I’d be on a tram on the way to get one. Circumstances being what they are, I’ll have to wait until I go to work tomorrow. I had another craving last night – chewy choc chip cookies and Ducks being as awesome as she is, changed out of her PJ’s, walked to the supermarket, bought the ingredients and came home and baked for me. How lucky am I!!???

Don’t get me wrong, I still have some serious aversions but if I can add a new meal to my limited repertoire every couple of days, I may actually be back to eating 3 meals a day within a month! I’m excited.


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home again, home again

We’re back and all my neurosis was completely unfounded. I am still very much pregnant!

Bali was good, not great. I spent a fair chunk of the time being a misery guts and sleeping a lot and then feeling guilty for not making the most of my awesome holiday. When all was said and done though, there could have been a million worse places for me to be sick and tired. Enforced relaxation in a tropical paradise is most peoples idea of total bliss.

The nausea is really starting to back off now which is soooo wonderful. I actually haven’t vomitted in over a week and I’ll be surprised if I do again. I’m still gagging a bit and my tummy still has its wonky moments but compared to the sheer misery of weeks 7-10, I’m a million percent better. My boobs have settled down a bit too. They’re absolutely enourmous and are very ugly and veiny but are barely sensitive at all anymore. All in all though, I think I’m on my way to the auspicious 2nd trimester glow and I can’t wait!

Back to work tomorrow and I’m dreading it. I know it’s never as bad as the anxiety that precedes it but I would so love not to have to go.


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Seeing as I’ve had a relative hiatus from the blogging world, it feels kind of good to have a genuine reason for taking a break from this wee blog.  This time tomorrow we’ll be in Bali. I’m almost rid of my neurosis and I’m getting pretty excited now.

I’ll be back in about 10 days and not far from the end of the first trimester once we return so with a bit of luck I’ll have swapped my nausea for some blogging mojo and we’ll be back in the saddle. Until then, lots of love and babydust to all who need it.


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8 weeks today!

Again, it’s been a while. I really hope I’m more motivated to blog soon. I hate this kind of blog neglect.

I’m 8 weeks today. I’m learning to manage the nausea a bit better now – it hasn’t gone, not by a long shot, but I do get periods of several hours where it lets up and that, my friends, is a good thing. According to the scientifically accomplished, well respected wik.i.pedia journal, my chance of miscarriage is now as low as 2%. I am greatly comforted by this stat because up until now, I really have been a bundle of nerves.  Ducks and I have a tour of the birth centre tomorrow night! I’m so excited about that. I’m sure it’ll really help in making this feel real.

My latest neurosis is the Bali trip. It’s less than 2 weeks away now and I only have 3 more days of work before I go on leave which is uber exciting. I’ve done a stack of reading and I have no reason to believe that the flight will cause a miscarriage but I’m nervous about the transit time and finding food that I can stomach on the way there and once we arrive. Because we’re using frequent flyer points to get there, we have the crappiest flights.  Usually it takes us one direct flight and 6 hours to get to Bali. This time, it’s 3 flights and 17 hours….including a 1am-7am stopover on the way home. Considering that all I wanna do is barf and sleep right now, I’m just a little bit concerned about this scenario.  The food situation isn’t too bad. I won’t get to eat all the yummy Indo food I usually indulge in but there is plenty of boring, bland Western food in Bali and if memory serves me right, a few yummy juice bars had popped up the last time we were there too.

I must sound like such an unappreciative, spoilt brat. Poor Chips, she’s pregnant and she has to go to Bali. The poor love, I don’t know how she’ll survive!!

We had breakfast with our donor and his lovely partner this morning. They’re so excited for us! It’s so lovely to be so well supported and loved.  J, his partner can’t believe that something so tiny can cause so much sickness and discomfort – boy is she in for a shock when she gets knocked up in a year or 2!

…I’ve just read over this post. At best, it lacks flow – but I’m pretty sure it’s fairly incoherent. Apologies. With a bit of luck, I’m be blessed with full health and energy in the 2nd trimester and may be able to contribute something witty, interesting and lucid. Until then, this is the best I can do!

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