Monthly Archives: September 2007

shopping bag

Completely exhausted, desperate for some time together and feeling quite like we’d been hit by a truck, Ducks and I last night agreed that we hadn’t done such a good job at life this week. Both of us had very busy work weeks which, coupled with the annual spring social surge (you know the time of year when people stop hibernating and suddenly you have something on almost every night?), lurking colds and a nasty incident at work for Ducks, resulted in us generally not coping too well with the little things. The chaotic state of our house was an early clue that things weren’t going so well but what really tipped us off was the fact that we had fast food for dinner twice this week! Twice! There have been entire years that we haven’t had fast food twice. Naughty us!

We spent yesterday evening chatting about ways to make things better and agreed that a big cook up was in order for this weekend, as was a Saturday afternoon nap and plenty of hanging out together.

This morning, not quite so tired and feeling positive about getting back on track, we buzzed around the house getting ready for a big market trip. On our way out the door, Ducks ventured into the corner of the living room where all our canvas shopping bags had been dumped the weekend before. Imagine the hilarity when she made the gruesome discovery of a bag, still full of last weeks vegetables – shriveled, unloved and (worst of all) unmissed!!! Yep, we really didn’t do too well at life this week.

And in TTC news. Our donor is back from his trip next week and I’m currently on CD3. 10 more days until insemination!

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again, already

Karmic forces got me. I was boasting that my cold was over in 4 days while everyone elses has stuck around for 3 weeks. And now it’s back, in full force. And my period is going to start in the next 24 hours. And I’m crabby. And we have to go out tonight. Again. That’s 2 nights in a row. Don’t these people know we’re Nanna’s?

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cautionary facebook lesson

I was stood up!

And I learnt an important lesson. You can’t organise your entire life with Facebook! At some point, soon after your initial Facebook reunion, swap phone numbers! That way, when old friend has a vague moment and forgets your coffee date, you can call her!

Instead I sat, alone and pathetic, waiting for over an hour. (And what makes it worse was that I twice held the waiter off getting my coffee for me because I was ‘waiting for a friend.’ Hence when friend never showed, I looked uber pathetic.

It’s all good now. We’ve swapped numbers and re-set the date.

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learning to be a better friend…

My dear friend W and her partner M and on the same TTC road as us. Last Tuesday W got a very disappointing BFN and left me a message telling me so. I didn’t return her call until yesterday. Bad friend. See – she’s the one with all the front. She gives over the impression that this TTC thing isn’t nearly as torturous for her as it is for me. I should know better. She is really upset and she’s starting to panic. How do I best serve her as a friend? At what point is blind reassurance not enough? I don’t think she needs to panic just yet. She’s only had a few tries scattered over the last 12 months but in her mind, it’s been 12 months and she’s ‘nearly 35’ (actually, she’s 33). What to do? What to say?

And a quick shout out to another dear friend J. Arsonists set her new home on fire a couple of weeks ago ( eek! ). I’m so sorry for her and her lovely man D. It was their first home. They had only taken possession a few weeks earlier. And, the poor things spent a few days being the prime suspects! Imagine that??
Fortunately, it looks like insurance will cover the rebuilding (and hence the renovation they couldn’t yet afford). Fingers crossed for a speedy phoenix rising from the ashes.

From now on, I’m all about checking in with friends regularly and returning calls on the day they come in…

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When did it become ok to spend ridiculous amounts of time online? When did the stigma around online relationships and friendships lift? Did I spend such a long time denying my geekiness and internet addictions that I missed the fact that I no longer have to hide it?

I’ve finally moved on into the world of facebook. I resisted for such a long time but after harassment from several friends, and one in particular (thanks J) I have moved over to the darkside and I love it. And I can’t believe the amount of people I’m finding. My IRL social life has picked up 100% because I’m reconnecting with old friends. Tomorrow, I’m having coffee with an old friend who I lost touch with 6 years ago. Last I heard, she was living in Brisbane. It turns out that for the last 2 years, we have lived 2 streets away from each other! Weird huh!!??

Of course there’s a down side too. What do you do when people who you’ve happily lost contact with request to be your friend? So far I’ve ignored two requests and reluctantly accepted two other. Is there some kind of internet etiquette book that I haven’t yet been privy to?

Anyway – what I really want to say is that aside from its superior time wasting capabilities, facebook rocks (and I cannot believe I’m saying it!)

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sunday breakfast

Our favourite time in the week is our Sunday morning breakfast and the threat of skipping it is enough to send Ducks and I into a complete spin. Most Sundays you can find us at our local cafe which, until we moved was a mere 1 minute walk away – from our new place, it’s a whole 7 minutes by foot. It is the absolute truth when I say that proximity to ‘our cafe’ factored in the new house hunt.

Most weeks, we are joined by our friends who live a 7 minute walk away too – though they walk from the other direction and have been known to get distracted by some of the other amazing cafes in the area. The truth is, we’re spoilt for choice.
All these linked cafes (and several more) are really fabulous. Not just good, but exceptional. If there’s anything our little village in the city does well, it’s breakfast and I challenge anyone to find such quality and consistency in such quantity anywhere else in this city.

The fact that week after week we end up back at ‘our cafe’ is less to do with how wonderful it is (although it really is) and much more to do our intense parochialism and fondness of familiarity and habit. So what are we going to do when a baby arrives? Habit, ritual, routine…out the window! But I figure the best thing about being a Sunday breakfast couple and not a Saturday night party couple is that when babies arrive, they can come too, right!????!

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my opinion

Apparently, I’m supposed to have an opinion on these dykes who are suing their IVF doctor because he implanted them with two eggs when they requested only one.

The case
Ordinarily, opinion is my second name but on this one, I’m stumped and I think I am stuck on the fence. One thing I am sure of though is that I am appalled by the homophobic spin the media has put on this whole thing. The fact that the woman is a lesbian should be completely irrelevant. I guess I’m a bit naive to think that the media would let that one go. Or maybe this really is proof that you shouldn’t let them queers breed…

So anyway, my gut feeling is to be a bit grossed out by it all. I completely understand that these women are pissed off. I would be pissed off too. But I think I would be pissed off and then realise that I needed to get over it and concentrate on parenting my two beautiful daughters.

The retort
And then I read the article above and completely understand and support the very clear and valid political points these women are making. Dammit. Why is nothing ever black and white?

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I had a big deadline at work today and was well on track to meeting it. A few more hours and it would have been done. Of course, that was before I got this stupid cold. What actually happened was that I called in sick and I slept until midday. At midday, I dragged myself from my bed to the couch and watched Oprah. I was still thinking I could get the work done in the afternoon and email it into the office. Nope. Not me – no stamina here – I did a sink full of dishes in one of my more energetic moments and spent the rest of the afternoon watching clips of LAink , dreaming about my next tattoo (which Ducks has promised to design me before our next round of TTC) and dozing. The deadline has been renegotiated for Monday and I’ve called in sick for tomorrow too.

It’s not fair though. I’ve never get big work finished on time and this was gonna be my chance to shine. I was so on schedule. It’s a conspiracy I’m sure. And of course, now that it’s bedtime, I’m wide awake!

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I am committed to keeping this blog up and building readership steadily. I know that means I have to keep it up-to-date and relevant. So, when I’ve not got much to contribute, am I better to post quick little boring posts or leave it until I have something useful and interesting to say?

So today, I am sick. I have a cold and I’m miserable. Ducks has a stack of work on but she still managed to come home from work and cook chicken noodle soup for me before she locked herself in the study and kept working. She’s so great.

(Do you wanna know this boring stuff?)


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the old days

In the old days, I was just as obsessed with Ani DiFranco as the next baby-dyke. I never stopped loving Ani but I’ve spent the last 5 or 6 years able to live without her. And then we bought Canon
and I find myself longing to be 19 again. Everything was so urgent and intense. I was so motivated and un-jaded. I though Ani was talking (!!!)
Call me a boring lesbian stereotype, but I still love love her.

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