Daily Archives: January 4, 2008


This weather really isn’t letting up and I am, once again, holed up in the house with the blinds shut, lights off and fans whirling. I’ve been sick the last couple of days and am feeling slightly cabin fever-ish at this point. Ducks has the car and is working for her folks today so I’m thinking I might brave half an hour of the elements and hot foot it to a bookshop or two. It’s my Mum’s birthday today (she’s 57) and she has kindly presented me with her summer reading list. We were intending to by her a sander because she’s had ours for the last 12 months but it looks like books are her priority.

Anyway, speaking of mothers and BIRTHday’s, mine was just telling me that she was was sick every single day of her pregnancy with me. I cannot believe I never asked her about that before. She also told me that my birth was one of those one in a million ecstasy type affairs. And she said she rode the delirium and ecstasy wave for the first 4 weeks of my life. I guess after 9 months of misery, you should get something good out of it! My sister, on the other hand, was a relatively easy pregnancy but was born in 30 minutes which scared the daylights out of mum and she had a bit of post traumatic stress after that. It’s interesting that I was always the good child, while my sister continued to cause Mum stress for the next 15 years. I wonder whether our births bore any relationship to our temperaments? Sibling rivalry aside, we are both angels now.

I must tell you about my mum and her impending senility. Will do when I return from my frolic in the sun.


Filed under birth, labor, morning sickness, Summer