Daily Archives: January 25, 2008

Out of sorts

Despite the quick defusing of my donor related hysteria late last week, I managed to work myself into quite a state and have really only just come down from it.

Partially I think I’m a complete nut job, partially I had my period and partially I think I was a bit sick and those 3 things combined made for me being a royal pain in the ass. There’s been tantrums and tears, sulking and swearing and a helluva lot of hypochondria thrown in for good measure. Ducks has been nothing but supportive and uber-patient and I am once again reminded of how wonderful she is and why I want to co-parent with her.

So, onwards and upwards now. I’m shaping up and doing all I can to make this cycle THE cycle. The house is clean. I’ve been taking my vitamins, minerals and herbs religiously (Yes Barb, I am taking herbs as well as the acupuncture…). I’m practically swimming in tea (of the raspberry leaf and green variety). I’ve been walking lots and I plan on more. I’m enrolling in an 8 week pilates class as soon as I get paid. I’m doing my darnedest to learn to meditate and I have pre and post insem acupuncture already booked.

Here’s hoping I can maintain my zen beyond our insems next Tues and Thurs.

PS. We saw Juno yesterday and I didn’t think it was pro-lifey at all. I actually thought it was a really cute little film and I cannot wait to see what Ellen Page does next.  Extra points for the Kimya Dawson / Moldy Peaches soundtrack too!


Filed under acupuncture, insemination, mood, sanity, ttc