A quickie…

I know I owe you all a detailed post but it’s Xmas Eve and we have a newborn and I just don’t understand how other bloggers have managed to keep up post baby! I have the most amazing support from Ducks and my Mum and still I can’t get a single thing done.

The interesting story of how I came to be in labour will have to wait until another day. So will my early reflections on mothering a newborn. I will leave you, however, with some pics of our lovely boy and his very tired but very happy mothers.




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11 responses to “A quickie…

  1. oh my gosh, he’s beautiful!!!!! congratulations mamas….i’m so so so happy for you both!!!! cannot wait to hear more when you get the time!!! enjoy these moments and happy holidays wishes to you and your new little family!! xoxo

  2. Meredith

    Awww! He is adorable! Congrats, mamas!

  3. look at that cuteness! you most definitely have that new mama sleepy glow going on. i remember it well.

  4. OH!!! He is so beautiful!! So are his mums. Congratulations and Merry Christmas. Thanks for taking a moment to share. I can’t wait to hear more. xo

  5. Att

    Oh he is SO beautiful!!

  6. Congratulations! He is a beautiful boy!

  7. Gorgeous! (all of you). Thank you for taking the time to share when you probably wanted to be sleeping.

  8. Congratulations! Sebastian is just gorgeous. All the best to all of you.

  9. Welcome to the world, Sebastian! Happy babymoon, my mamafriends so far away!

  10. zoebird

    so adorable!

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